Responsible breeders should weigh puppies daily. Puppies are very fragile for the first few weeks of life. As a responsible Shih Tzu breeder, I want to know if a puppy starts losing weight so I can supplement when necessary. Puppies can go downhill very quickly. Daily weight checks help me track growth as well.
As you can see in the gallery below, the puppies don’t love weight checks. They prefer to be very close to their mother during this period of development. Mom isn’t very fond of me moving her puppies around either right now. As a result, I weigh the puppies in the whelping box right next to Mom. I move as quickly as I can. The goal for the first few weeks of life is to allow puppies and Mom to bond with very little human interference. There is plenty of time for socialization during the appropriate developmental period in the future.
I hope you enjoy the photos! Hopefully, as the puppies mature they will be a little less squirmy and I will be able to capture higher quality images. If you have any questions about purchasing a purebred Shih Tzu puppy from my responsible breeding program please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!