Common Dog Behaviors
Have you ever wondered what some of the behaviors dogs exhibit mean? Have you ever observed a dog shaking it off? For example, your dog runs around the yard and then comes inside and shakes it off before taking a nap. Dogs often shake it off after expending a high amount of energy. Dogs may shake it off after a bath as well. This shake may simply be your dog’s way of drying off. Or your dog may be super relieved to be set free and may shake to release some of the pent-up stress.
Another phenomenon that dogs often commonly display is kicking their feet back. One reason that dogs kick their feet back is to communicate with other dogs. Dogs have sweat glands on the bottom of their feet which release pheromones that help them communicate with other canines. I’m sure we’ve all seen a dog mark their territory by kicking their feet back. In other words, the dog is saying “This is mine!” Many dogs also display this behavior after a potty break to mark their spot.
Panting is another dog behavior that you’ll see frequently in your dog. Dogs cannot cool down by sweating like we do. Instead, they pant to regulate their body temperature. Panting can also be a sign that your dog is too hot. You must offer plenty of water and shade to avoid heat stroke. This is especially important if you live in a hot, dry climate like we have here in Arizona. Dogs can also pant if they are stressed or in pain so make sure to be in tune with your dog’s needs.
On another not-so-pleasant note, let’s talk about butt scooting. Small breed dogs often scoot on their bums from time to time. This is often because of anal glands that need to be expressed. Your groomer will probably express them for you if your dog is groomed frequently. You can also ask your vet to express them if needed.
If it becomes a chronic issue try adding pumpkin powder or some other dog-friendly fiber to your dog’s diet. I list my favorite pumpkin powder supplement and all my other favorites under my Amazon list on my website at the bottom of the recommendations page. Butt scooting may also be a sign of parasites or worms so talk to your veterinarian if it becomes a chronic issue.
Howling is another behavior that dogs display on occasion. Dogs can howl for a variety of reasons. They may howl when they’re excited, anxious, trying to tell you something, in pain, or lonely. They also may howl when they hear certain high-pitched sounds like a squeaky toy. Overall, howling is our dog’s Innate way of communicating with the outside world. So next time your dog howls, take a moment to understand what they are trying to tell you.
I find it fascinating how much we can learn about our dogs just by observing their daily behaviors. They may not be able to communicate through words, but we can give them a voice if we take the time to pay attention to their nonverbal cues.