So you have finally brought your new puppy home from a reputable Shih Tzu breeder. You’re super excited to do everything in your power to properly raise your Shih Tzu puppy. You have bought books on everything from potty training to teaching your new puppy simple commands like how to sit.
Life is going great! Then one day you’re playing with your sweet Shih Tzu puppy and he nips your finger hard! Unfortunately, mouthing, chewing, and biting are normal puppy behaviors. This behavior is similar to a baby teething. All puppies teethe and seek out something to chew on to relieve the discomfort. I am here to tell you that anything is a game including your fingers. I typically tell my Shih Tzu puppy owners to always have a chew toy in hand when playing with a teething puppy. Simply redirect by offering the toy instead of your hand. If the behavior continues discontinue the play session and try again with a chew toy in hand when the puppy calms down.
Jumping up to greet guests is another normal puppy behavior. Puppies are full of energy and get super excited when it comes to receiving human attention. I recommend staying very still, folding your arms, and ignoring your puppy until he or she has stopped jumping up. Then show your puppy attention. This method will reward appropriate behavior while ignoring the negative behavior. I also advise training simple commands like sit and stay which will help tremendously.
Curiosity is another common puppy behavior. Your new puppy is learning all about this great big world. Puppies are often eager to explore their new environment. This heightened curiosity is great but must also be managed appropriately. Your puppy could easily become injured if he or she becomes curious about your house plant and decides to take a nibble for instance. Many plants and other items in the average pet home are toxic to dogs. It is essential to safety-proof the home before your curious puppy arrives. An app like PupTox is a great idea as well. I also suggest keeping your puppy in a playpen when you’re unable to supervise until trained.
Below, I have put together a list of some of the most common puppy behaviors. Some of the more undesirable behaviors can be properly managed through training. Also, remember that your puppy will mature and outgrow many of these behaviors over time. In the meantime, I advise being patient and consistent with training. Before you know it, your puppy will become an amazing well-trained member of your family.
Common Puppy Behaviors:
- Curious about everything
- Energetic (Puppy Zoomies)
- Affectionate
- Barking and vocalizing
- Mouthing and chewing
- Chasing anything that moves
- Whining
- Jumping up
- Short attention span
- Pouncing
- Putting everything and anything in their mouths
- Vigorously shaking toys
- Shredding potty pads, toys, beds