Reservation Process
Contact me if you have any questions about how to reserve one of my Shih Tzu puppies for sale. If you would like to own a Shih Tzu puppy from my responsible breeding program please complete my Google application by clicking here. Make sure to text or call me at (480) 645-5553 if you don’t hear back from me within 2 business days of filling out the application. I almost always respond within two business days. This is why following up with me after submitting the document is important.
I only accept GoodDog, cash, and sometimes ApplePay for final payment methods. This is the safest route for both the puppy buyer and the breeder. GoodDog is a well-known and trusted breeder and buyer platform that has been around for a long time. I sometimes consider other payment forms for the reservation fee. If I don’t have any available Shih Tzu puppies, I’d be happy to hold your application on file for consideration for a future litter.
Getting to Know You
Once I have the opportunity to review the application, I usually set up a phone call and/or a video conference call to get to know clients on a more personal level. This is also a great time for me to give you a video tour of the puppy nursery. I know a lot of clients like to see where their puppy will be raised. If I have a litter of puppies, I’d be happy to show them to you as well! I love it when potential clients give me a live tour of their home environment as well. I like to see where my puppies will be spending their future!
When I have a litter born, I usually wait until the puppies are about 3 to 4 weeks old before I start contacting approved applicants to see if they’re ready to move forward. This is usually the time when applicants have the opportunity to pay a deposit ($500) and join the litter list. (I do take optional advance deposits on occasion when I know I will have litter availability soon.) This isn’t the time to pick a specific puppy.
Puppy pick takes place after the first vet visit at 8 to 9 weeks. I put this policy in place to be sure that all puppies are healthy and thoroughly checked over by a licensed veterinarian before puppy pick day. If I don’t have any available Shih Tzu puppies, I’d be happy to add your name to the interest list for future litters once I have your application on file. Also, please note that sometimes families on the litter list have a change of heart and decide to forfeit their pick spot for a future litter. This means I may have availability on a litter list last minute. This is when I start contacting the next applicant on file.
More Specific Details
When the Shih Tzu puppies are approximately 8 to 9 weeks of age they will receive their first set of vaccinations by a veterinarian. Temperament testing will take place during week 9 as well. I will contact families that will be receiving a puppy from the litter after evaluations so we can discuss any vet findings and temperament testing results before choosing a specific puppy. This way clients have all the information they need before picking their puppy.
Many clients ask if they can meet the puppies. This is a reasonable request. Clients who are on the litter list are welcome to meet the puppies. All requested visits are done at a safe meet-up place such as my vet clinic. You’re even welcome to go into my vet clinic and inquire about me if you like! Furthermore, puppy visits are contact-free for safety reasons. I am also happy to set up Facetime visits to see the puppies. I wish I could invite families to my home, but every time I invite someone into my home, I risk bringing something in that could potentially harm the puppies. All adult dogs and puppies are brought up in my living room alongside my family. As a result, It is my job to have a biosafety protocol in place that will protect all the puppies I care for.
A lot of breeders quarantine puppies after visits for several days to be sure they don’t bring any pathogens back into common areas that the puppies share. I don’t feel this is fair to the puppies. If clients are curious about my home environment, I’m more than happy to set up a video conference call where I can give a live tour of the puppies and my entire home inside and out! I’d be happy to provide references as well. Puppies have a very vulnerable immune system. Puppies receive a series of puppy booster shots for this very reason. Nobody is certain when the antibodies from their mother’s breast milk leaves their system and allows the vaccine to offer full protection. Hence, puppies receive a shot every 3 to 4 weeks until they reach a certain age. Parvovirus is a virus that is especially lethal to young puppies. I know Shih Tzu breeders and families that have lost puppies due to Parvovirus. It’s a very resistant virus that can survive on almost anything for a very long time.
I am happy to bring your puppy to your place of residence on go-home day if you live within one hour of my home and my schedule is free. Otherwise, we can meet up at a safe neutral location if you prefer. Check out my Transportation page for more options regarding the puppy pick-up day.
Choosing Your Puppy
As a Shih Tzu breeder, I don’t choose specific puppies for families. I simply work with families to help them find the puppy that is most fit for their lifestyle. I also take into account the individual needs of the puppy. I do reserve the right to refuse to sell a puppy to a family if I feel it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the puppy or the family.
Clients will choose their puppy after the vet visit and temperament testing as mentioned above. Once clients and I discuss temperament testing results, a puppy must be chosen within 24 hours. This rule is put in place to be fair to clients still waiting to choose. Breeder reserves the right to first pick! Breeder may choose to forfeit, auction off or reassign the top pick spot.
If a family decides to pass on a litter because they don’t feel any of the puppies will meet their needs they are welcome to wait for a future litter. Once a deposit is paid, puppy families can only pass on a litter on three separate occasions unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as service dog picks) to be fair to other applicants. Please note, that all approved applications are dated. I do contact applicants in order of application approval. With that being said, I prefer not to tell clients their place in line until they’re going to receive a puppy from a specific litter. Applicants often change their minds or move to a different litter.
Go-home day will start when puppies are 11 weeks old. I try my best to only send home one puppy per day. This makes the transition easier for mom and littermates. I’ll send clients pick-up day and time options right after puppy pick-day.
One of the main goals as a responsible Shih Tzu breeder is correct puppy placement. I do everything in my power to ensure both the Shih Tzu puppy and the family are compatible. The puppies don’t have a voice. It is my duty to try and place puppies in homes where they will thrive and live up to their full potential. Follow along on Instagram, Facebook or my blog for puppy updates. I post the most content on Instagram!