Shih Tzus is no exception when it comes to eye care. You must take proper care of your Shih Tzu’s eyes. Shih Tzus are a brachycephalic breed. They have a relatively flat face and protruding eyes. This puts them at a higher risk for eye problems. As a result, Shih Tzu owners must take excellent care of their eyes through appropriate cleaning protocols.
I recommend cleaning your Shih Tzus eyes daily if possible. It shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to complete the procedure. You can schedule to clean your Shih Tzu’s eyes when you do your daily brushing if that is easier. Your groomer may clean your pet’s eyes during appointments as well.
Shih Tzu Eye Cleaning Basics:
I like to use an antimicrobial eyewash like Vetericyn. I saturate a cotton ball in the cleaning solution and clean the eye area. I start in the corner and gently massage to loosen up any gunk that may have become lodged in the area.
Next, I take a tick comb and gently work from the corner away from the eye to remove the gunk. I repeat until the eye hair is free of visible debris. Finally, I pat the area dry with a clean cotton swab or a dry washcloth.
Be sure to contact your veterinarian and make an appointment if you ever notice symptoms of an eye infection. Symptoms include red irritated eyes often accompanied by a discharge. Hopefully, daily eye cleaning will help prevent infections. But, if an infection does occur your veterinarian will most likely need to provide prescription eye drops. It is important to not postpone appropriate treatment.