If you’re considering bringing home a Shih Tzu puppy soon you may be wondering if Shih Tzus make good apartment dogs. Many people don’t realize that a Shih Tzu doesn’t need an enormous luxury yard with all the trimmings to be content. According to the AKC, Shih Tzus are a toy breed dog and they don’t require an extensive amount of exercise. As a result, Shih Tzus can be great pets for families that live in apartments. Nowadays more apartments are adopting dog-friendly policies which makes Shih Tzus an ideal apartment companion.
A Shih Tzu doesn’t need a huge house to be comfortable. But, if you have a large family and other dogs things may get a bit crowded unless your apartment is relatively spacious. If you have a small apartment you can look into space-saving hacks such as hollow end tables that you can tuck a dog bed underneath. Decorative baskets are great places for storing toys for your family pet as well. If you have a balcony this is a bonus. Although Shih Tzus aren’t extremely active, a lot of them love to people-watch outdoors.
You should train your Shih Tzu to use his or her indoor voice if you live in an apartment. Often walls are paper thin in apartment complexes. Most apartment owners aren’t going to be particularly fond of you if your dog is barking all day and night. Dogs often bark out of boredom. Providing your Shih Tzu with interactive toys and enrichment is a good way to occupy your pup’s mind. A stuffed Kong can be a lifesaver!
Figuring out where your Shih Tzu will eliminate is another dilemma that must be addressed before bringing your Shih Tzu home. If you have a hectic lifestyle an indoor potty system is an option. They have so many different options in today’s market. You can find porch potties, litter boxes for dogs, potty pads with trays, etc. There is also the traditional option of taking your Shih Tzu outdoors for potty breaks if your schedule allows. If not, there are plenty of pet services like Rover ( https://www.rover.com/) that are more than happy to help out. Many pet sitter services will come to your residence and take your dog to the bathroom if necessary.
A Shih Tzu is a toy breed and doesn’t have the same exercise requirements as a giant breed dog. But, all dogs need some movement to stay fit and healthy. One or two short walks around the neighborhood are usually enough to keep your Shih Tzu satisfied. Walking is also great for warding off the zoomies, especially during the puppy phase. Playing indoors with your Shih Tzu is also a great way to burn off energy. Getting some fresh air on the balcony is a bonus if you have one.
If you live in an apartment and are on the fence about getting a dog, consider the lovely Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu’s small size and lower-than-average exercise demands make them ideal apartment dogs whether you live in the city or the suburbs. As long as you teach your dog proper manners and map out a potty and exercise schedule things should go smooth sailing. But before you hop on the internet and start searching for Shih Tzu puppies for sale make sure that you read your apartment pet policy in detail. Some apartments have pet restrictions and additional pet fees.