Sound Desensitization Benefits
Early Sound Desensitization is another technique that I like to use with my Shih Tzu puppies. Early Sound Desensitization protocols help expose puppies to various sounds such as a blow dryer, a vacuum, sirens, etc. The goal is to dull any negative responses the puppy may have to the sounds. Sound therapy is very beneficial in helping produce better coping skills in puppies. When sound desensitization protocols are put in place during a puppy’s early socialization period the benefits can be tremendous.
Some puppies are more sensitive than others when it comes to sound sensitivity. The good news is that sound sensitivity is an adjustable trait in puppies. If a puppy is born extremely sensitive to sounds desensitization protocols can hopefully tone down the puppy’s negative response through repeat sound exposure.
Knowing a puppy’s sound sensitivity threshold is very important when it comes to puppy placement. A puppy that startles easily even after sound desensitization protocols, may do better in a home where the owners will be well aware of the puppy’s unique needs. For instance, a sound-sensitive puppy may do better in a quiet household rather than in the home of a musician. Or vice versa, a puppy that has a high sound sensitivity threshold may do excellent in a home with young children that have a lot of noisy toys.
In the end, it all circles back to how the puppy’s rearing. A puppy that takes part in a responsible breeding program that puts in place appropriate sound desensitization protocols is ultimately setting each puppy and family up for success. Both the puppy and the new family will hopefully be a great match and live in harmony.